Friday, January 31, 2020

Barclays Bank Essay Example for Free

Barclays Bank Essay Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail banking, credit cards, corporate banking, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services with an extensive international presence in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. With over 300 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employs nearly 147,000 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests, protects money for more than 48 million customers and clients worldwide. (Barclays 2009) Barclays currently owns more stock (3.9%) than any other stockholder in the largest company on the planet, Exxon Mobil. The fundamental principal to Barclay’s philosophy is to include the interests of all of their shareholders from customers, employees, shareholders and the wider community in route to providing a valued and prosperous circumference of satisfied stakeholders. (, 2009) A high priority is placed on dealing with three lines of operations. Firstly, the banking division that provides up front service and customer attention to United Kingdom retail and business banking customers. The UK retail banking side courts some for 14 million accounts, servicing around 566,000 customers, while the business side lends service to primarily middle to larger sized businesses of around 180,000 customers. A second major focus for Barclays is Private Clients. Barclays stands today as the largest retail stockbroker in the United Kingdom, with clients mainly in the UK and the continental Europe. The gist of the client makeup is high net worth and clients of corporate billing. Third is the International Retail and Commercial Banking sector of Barclay’s business. Barclays has some 800 international branches placed throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East, which provide a large array of services including current accounts, savings, mortgages and loans. (thebanker .com 2009) Others smaller areas of focus for Barclays are Barclays Capital, Barclaycard, Barclay Global Investors and Woolwich. It is within these areas that Barclay is placing a larger focus towards growing throughout the international markets. Barclays Capital is a global investment bank which provides advice and solutions to the financial and risk management needs of corporate, institutional and government clients.Barclaycard has some 11.2 million UK customers with 2.9 million cards issued internationally. This happens to have been the UKs first credit card and also the leader in card services provided over the internet 800,000 customers using the online account services. Barclaycard operates internationally throughout Europe, the United States and Africa and has recently made efforts to expand even more into the United States with the acquisition of the US credit card, Juniper Financial Corporation in December 2004. Barclays Global Investors is a world leader in providing investment management products and services and is also a global leading asset manager. In 1971 Barclays Global Investors created the first index strategy and followed this in 1978 with the first quantitative active strategy. Barclays Global Investors holds some 68 million British pounds in Exchange Traded Funds with over 100 funds in ten international markets for individual and institutional investors. Lastly, Woolwich is a mortgage business that was acquired by Barclays in 2000. It has been transformed into a division that deals largely with home financing and lends its branding to Barclays mortgages. Barclays has placed a great deal of interest in international growth beginning as far back as 1925 with the merger that began the formation of Barclays International Operations of three banks: the Colonial Bank, the Anglo Egyptian Bank and the National Bank of South Africa. This pushed Barclays into Africa, the Middle East and the West Indies. By the 1980s Barclays became the first bank to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the U.S. and by 1986 was the first British bank to be listed on the Tokyo and New York Stock Exchanges. Barclays Capital formed around the same time establishing an investment banking operation that today manages larger corporations and institutional businesses. In the mid-1990s Barclays formed Barclays Global Investors through the purchase of Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisers which was combined with Barclays BZW Investment Management. Barclays has also kept pace with innovation with concepts such as online customized servicing through Barclay s Private Bank and Premiere Banking. These steps have kept Barclays competitive in the banking industry and guided them towards a promising path in international growth. ( Foremost to continually compete internationally, Barclays must strive to perform customer service at an utmost level of excellence. This will promote Barclays worldwide as a business that can be relied upon time after time for small individual accounts as well as huge corporate accounts. To accomplish this, Barclays must identify their customer groups and the needs associated with each particular group and develop products and services that will be of great value to their customers. The practices that have worked in the past must be reconfigured to work for years to come and keep Barclays updated with the high changing IT world. This will call for new investments into new levels of technology that can help offer higher levels of service to its customers. Along with the apparent increase in speed that IT will allow Barclay to accomplish routine tasks, technology will also reduce risk of errors and fraud. ( this leads straight into a second integral point of interest for Barclays. The need to place major investments into the most modern and efficient IT systems available that enables top of the line business transactions to transpire unhinged. IT will allow up to date information to be at the fingertips of Barclay’s managers, giving managers a huge advantage when it comes to making decisions and in pin pointing groups of customers that can have a high added value to Barclays. The fine-tuning of IT will also eliminate weaknesses within Barclays practices, preventing failures that effect customers and thus reducing excessive and unnecessary costs.(

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Digital Divide Essays -- essays papers

The Digital Divide Abstract: Around the world 429 million people are connected to the Internet. Forty-one percent of those people can be found in North America. Although 429 million seems like a large number it is only 6 percent of the global population (Fact Sheet, 2004). Numbers like this reflect the digital divide that has grown since the creation of the computer and more recently, the ‘Information Super Highway’ called, the Internet. The digital divide describes the issue that some people have access to and use computers and the Internet while others do not. There are several factors that play into those that do not have access and there are programs that have been created to close the gap between these people and those that have access. Full Text: (2003) describes the digital divide as â€Å"the wide division between those who have access to ICT [information and communications technologies] and are using it effectively and those who do not.† These groups are labeled the â€Å"have† and the â€Å"have-nots.† As technology increases the importance of having access to it grows also. Those who do not have access to technology lag behind and end up in the ‘gap’ of the digital divide. Usually the majority of people that fall in the ‘have-nots† category are in developing countries around the world, but a large number can be found right in the United States. Several factors seem to play a part in who becomes a victim of the digital divide. These include race, socioeconomic status, education, location, age and gender. The statistics for race and access to Internet access in the home show that 46.1% of white households are online and 56.8% of Asian American and Pacific Islanders have access to the Internet in th... ...e Network. (2004). Digital Divide Basics Fact Sheet. Retrieved April 18, 2004 from 6.) Hillebrand, M. (1999). US Government Attempts to Bridge Digital Divide. E-Commerce Times. Retrieved April 12, 2004 from 7.)Holmes, S. (2000). NMSU project aims to bridge ‘digital divide.’ Retrieved April 24, 2004 from 8.) (2001). Outreach Activities. Retrieved April 18, 2004 from 9.) Steele-Carrin, S. (2000). Caught in the Digital Divide. Education World. Retrieved April 27, 2004 from 10.) Vail, K. (2003). Next Generation Divide. American School Board Journal, 190, 23-25.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Christian Perspective on Nudity in Art Essay

The Association of Classical & Christian Schools John is a Christian who enjoys the arts and finds them edifying. He is particularly fond of the art of painting. Desiring to expand his art history knowledge, he visits the best, closest art museum he can find. Going from gallery to gallery, John begins to become discouraged and more than a little embarrassed because of all the nudity shown in the paintings. He finds himself wondering if he should leave the museum in a state of disillusioned protest. As a Christian, John understands the need to shun pornography; but what he is seeing is not Hollywood at its X-rated worst, it is Western Civilization. These are the paintings that make up the canon of art. What is he . what are Christians . to do with nudity as it is often shown in art? To answer the overriding question, one must first understand the difference between nudity and pornography. Nudity is nothing more than a human figure without clothing. There is no overt intention of sexual arousal. When nudity is used in art, it is often (but not always) with the goal of eliciting an admiration on the part of the viewer for the handy-work of his Creator. The Greeks believed that man was the measure of all things; as such they sought to find the perfect human form and show it in their art. The resulting nudes are not pornographic; rather, they are the outworking of the Greek ideal. As Christians, we rightly reject their philosophy, but we should not make the mistake of mislabeling their art. There has been much written on the beauty of the human body and it does not need be rehearsed here. It is clear that we are, indeed, fearfully and wonderfully made. When an artist shows nudity with this in mind, he is showing it to the praise and glory of the Creator. Pornography, on the other hand, has sexual arousal as its sole intention. It seeks to debase and lower both its subject, the person being looked at, and its object, the person doing the looking, to the level of mere animals. It is meant to feed our lusts, with the full understanding that they can never be sated. Sexual lust . like all other lusts . perates according to the Law of Diminishing Returns; the more a person feeds his lust, the harder it is to get even temporary satisfaction. This forces him to go back for increasingly more and more stimulation until it is almost impossible to derive any pleasure from his vice, no matter how much he indulges. It would be irresponsible to say that no part of Western Art leans to the pornographic side of things; for some of it does (much of Klimt, Schiele, some Courbet, etc. ); however, the difference is usually reasonably obvious with sober thought (if it. s not, then the artist has not done his job! ). There is also art that is quite charged with erotic content that doesn. t show so much as an exposed ankle. These paintings rely on context and subtlety to convey the true meaning of the work. For example, Gustave Courbet. s painting, Demoiselles on the Banks of the Seine of 1856, is widely understood to be a depiction of two lesbians in post-coital sleep . an obviously unacceptable situation for the Christian. There is no crass sexual imagery to suggest this relationship; however, when viewed in light of some of his other paintings, and when the painting is looked at carefully the relationship between the two women becomes clear. This is far from the only example of subtle erotic imagery, but it is illustrative of the issue. Like so many situations in life, context is the key to making a decision about whether or not to show or look at imagery like this. Song of Solomon (among other passages in scripture) is very explicit in its description of a sexual relationship between a man and a woman. It speaks quite openly of physical desire. We know from the context of the whole book that this is not a sinful desire and that it is proper for us to read about it and learn from it. So it is with art; when we properly understand the context of a picture we can make decisions on whether it is sinful to look at or not. We have to decide what our aim is in looking at it: are we indulging in an unlawful desire, or are we confronting an opposing worldview? If it is the former, then by no means should the image be viewed; however, if our education is to have any value we must confront opposing worldviews. To what are we objecting in pictures like this? It is obviously not the depiction of an unclothed human body. It is the representation and the implicit approval of promiscuity. This is what breaks the Law of God in Scripture . the sin does not necessarily occur when we look at such material, it happens when we approve of it. Things are rarely one dimensional; there are many reasons for showing nudity in art. We do a disservice to our students (and ourselves) when we teach them to be reactionary instead of thoughtful and discerning. There is a long tradition of depicting the nude human form in Western Art. I mentioned above that appreciation of the human form is one reason for showing nudity in art. However, it is not the only reason. Realism is another; nudity in varying degrees is a part of life, even public life at many times in the past and in different parts of the world. Many times artists were showing only what they saw as a part of everyday life. In the past there were public baths and public toilets that did not afford the same privacy that we, as 21st century Americans, have come to take for granted. There were even times when public nudity was accepted (for example, Peter worked in the nude while he fished (John 21:7). As such, people would have come to understand the concept of modesty as opposed to prudishness. Modesty reserves the exposure of the body to appropriate times and places, whereas prudishness sees the body as sinful in and of itself. As Christians, we must reject prudishness in light of the fact that God has given us many good gifts that are to be enjoyed in their proper context, our bodies being one of them. Since the Fall, nakedness in many situations has become shameful to us. Artists throughout history have recognized this fact and have used it in their art. For example, there are many depictions of the Last Judgment in art history (Rogier Van der Weyden, Hieronymous Bosch, Petrus Christus, the van Eycks, etc. ), many of which show those to be judged completely naked; the blessed are usually given a robe while the damned are sent into hell naked. This is done to emphasize their state before God; they have no covering, either physical or metaphorical to shield them from their Creator. The image of nakedness is used in the Scriptures to highlight our condition before God (Hebrews 4:13). God describes Israel as having been naked before He found her (Ezekiel 16, Hosea 2:1-5). He also uses literal nakedness when he commands Isaiah to go without clothing for three years as a sign of impending judgment (Isaiah 20:1-6). Whether in Scripture or elsewhere, a literary image of nudity is not really that much different from a literal image; both give the mind pictures of naked bodies to think about. It is the intended goal of depicting nudity (whether in words or pictures) that carries the weight of moral responsibility. If e take into account the Scriptures. use of nudity, it seems that it is proper . even edifying . at times to show nudity in art if it is done for the same reasons as the Scriptures. Many times in art the baby Jesus is shown quite openly nude. This is done for a very serious reason. His genitals were shown so that the artist might emphasize the very real human nature of the Christ. The artists wished to refute various Christological heresies (Nestorianism, Mo nophysitism, various forms of Gnosticism, etc. ) by showing that Jesus was both God and man. The attributes of Divinity are obvious and well known (the halo, lamb, and cross) but the tradition of depicting Jesus. humanity through showing His genitals is often misunderstood. At the other end of the spectrum of representing Jesus during His life on Earth is the cross. He would have been completely naked on the cross. The loincloth that we commonly see in paintings is a piece of pure fiction. Would it have been sinful for Him to be naked in public? Of course not, this was not a sexual context, nor was it meant to be. Was it sinful for Jesus. emale followers to be there and see Him in such a state? No. Again, context is the key. A common example of public exposure (albeit mild exposure) that many of us will encounter is breastfeeding. This is a context in which a woman’s breasts are not meant to be seen as sexual, but as motherly. If a man is aroused by the sight of this, does that not point to the sin in him and not in the act of breastfeeding? God ordained this method o f nourishment for children and alludes to it many times in Scripture as a good and proper thing. Again, context is the key to discerning the nature of this situation. Likewise, it is exceedingly rare for a medical doctor to be accused of being a pornography addict for giving physical exams to members of the opposite sex. The context of the examination room is not a sexual one. However, if a doctor mistreats his position and does look at a woman in a lecherous manner, does that mean that all physicals are pornographic and we should stop having them? There are other examples where images of nudity do not and should not elicit sexual arousal: childbirth, war pictures, anatomical charts and books, images from other (often indigenous) cultures, etc. The age at which it is acceptable for children to begin seeing paintings with nudity in them is a matter of debate. It seems that children should be exposed to nudity in art from an early age with the understanding that it is proper in some contexts and improper in others (many of which have been discussed above). If this is done, many aspects of the question of pornography will have been answered at an early age. Furthermore, if this approach is taken, children will gain an understanding of modesty and prudishness and know the difference between the two before it becomes an issue of practice for them (e. . skirt length, bathing suits, movies, etc. ). Of course there are many things that are perfectly good and right in and of themselves that are inappropriate for children. It is the responsibility of the parents to know their children and use their discernment in this question. The above arguments show that things are rarely as simple as nude = bad, clothed = good. This is not an exh austive treatment of the issue by any means; however, it should shed light on different perspectives on how a Christian is supposed to view nudity in art.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Impact of Party Drugs on the Youth Culture Essay - 1507 Words

Adolescence refers to the age group from 14 to 26 years. Ten percent of this age group use party drugs (Bennett, 2003). According to Arnett (2004) , this period of development is distinguished by five characteristics: identity exploration, instability, self-focus, a feeling of in-between and possibilities (Arnett, 2004, pg. 14). It is against these five characteristics that the impact of party drugs on the youth culture will be assessed. This essay will explore how the characteristics of adolescence place teenagers at risk from drug experimentation and how the perception of policy makers will influence the community’s response to the problem. The exploration of identity involves having a range of experiences that provides the†¦show more content†¦What then are adolescences escaping from? The very nature of adolescence: the sense of being without identity, the lack of a mental framework to manage the adult world and the pressures of identity construction, create tensions in the person. This escapism is not confined to adolescences as many adults abuse alcohol and amphetamines as a means of escaping the pressures of the adult world. For many users, taking the drug is part of the risk behaviour of adolescence that has the pay-off of feelings of well-being. They do not se themselves as drug users as they do not view their use of party drugs as being a problem. This normalises drug use and makes it difficult for agencies to intervene (Duff, 2003). It is wrong however to assume that all users are escaping from something. One of the features of adolescence is the search for identity and self meaning. This search behaviour creates a heightened sense of curiosity in adolescents as they seek to make sense of self. This curiosity can evolve unconsciously to drug abuse through prolonged use as a result of the uplifting effects of the first experience. The need to fund the regular purchase of the drug can lead into dealing. Bad experiences often will not cause a rejection of the drug as these pale against the many pleasures that the individual has experienced. The chain of events can have dire consequences for the individual as a health problem becomes a criminal problem.Show MoreRelatedBad Influence of Hip Hop on Youth1009 Words   |  5 PagesMusic producers have an influence on the music that today’s youth listen to that many are affected by even though the producers are unaware of it. Today there’s a lot of drug abu se, violence, and sex all on the rise even though hip hop itself is not to blame. Imagine our youth all over the country being exposed to this explicit kind of language. There is no need to imagine, because it is already happening. Ever since the rise of Rap and Hip Hop music, teens have been turning to them to help solveRead MoreHow Alcohol Consumption Is Culture1237 Words   |  5 Pages Furthermore, another area that relates to alcohol consumption is culture. What is culture?. 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